Chip was a genuinely beautiful soul. He had a huge smile, and a heart of gold. He was a true friend. I have so many memories of walking around the corner on the way to the stage, and there would be Chip, and suddenly we’d be cracking up about some ridiculous thing and everyone would have to wait a couple minutes to go to the stage. He was always talking about his family or his work with such pride. He cared. It really hurts that we lost him. Even at the very end, visiting with him in the hospital, he’d be laughing and commanding the room with his huge joyous presence.
It’s impossible to overstate the effect that Chip had on Phish’s journey, and subsequently on the journeys of every Phish fan. He was there every single step of the way. He felt more like a brother than a booking agent. We are really going to miss him. – Trey Anastasio
(photo: Chip and Trey backstage during fall tour 1994)