On Record Store Day 2013, Phish will release “Lawn Boy”, the band’s second full-length studio album, as a Limited Edition Deluxe 2-LP vinyl set, available exclusively at participating independently owned record stores across the country.
Fishman is depicted as “Lawn Boy” (covered in green body paint on the back of the album); a now iconic image. For the Lawn Boy Photo Contest, we want you to share with us a photo of your best physical interpretation of this image. The more creative you get, the better.
The contest will run exclusively via Twitter and Instagram, beginning April 8 and ending at Noon ET on April 19. To submit your photo entry, simply post your photos to Instagram or Twitter and tag your photos with #PhishLawnBoy. Only photos tagged with #PhishLawnBoy will be considered.
One grand prize winner will receive a Lawn Boy themed package from Phish Dry Goods, including a copy of the new Lawn Boy Deluxe LP. Two runner ups will receive a merchandise package from Phish Dry Goods.
For contest rules, visit: http://bit.ly/13S4ihF