Tickets for the recently added dates to Phish’s 2011 Summer Tour, including the band’s first concert at the Hollywood Bowl (returning to Los Angeles for the first time since 2003), and their concert debut in scenic Lake Tahoe, go on sale beginning tomorrow, Friday, April 29th at 10am, with remaining public on sales on Saturday.
Phish kicks off their 2011 Summer Tour on Memorial Day weekend, with three consecutive nights (May 27, 28 & 29) at Bethel Woods Center for the Arts in Bethel, NY. Stops along the way include Cleveland, Cincinnati, Mansfield, Darien Lake and more, as well as 2-night runs in Holmdel, Columbia and Alpharetta. The band also plays host to Super Ball IX, their own 3-Day Festival over Fourth of July Weekend in Watkins Glen, NY. The band will not be touring this fall. For complete ticketing info, please visit click here.