We’re pleased to offer “Phish: Live Bait Vol. 01”, a ten-track Phish Summer sampler, available now for free at LivePhish.com. We’re giving away “Phish: Live Bait Vol. 01” fresh off Summer Tour, as a thank you for fans’ continued support. Share it with your friends, pass the link around, trade the MP3s freely.
The tracks were cherry-picked from the band’s first leg of their recently completed Summer Tour, and are fully mixed soundboards from LivePhish.com. Click here to stream “Phish: Live Bait Vol. 01” now or download MP3s – absolutely free.
Phish: Live Bait Vol. 01
1. Alumni Blues > Letter To Jimmy Page > Alumni Blues
2. Backwards Down The Number Line
3. Swept Away > Steep
4. Gumbo >
5. My Sweet One
6. Kill Devil Falls
7. Tweezer >
8. Slave To The Traffic Light
9. Show Of Life
10. Tweezer Reprise