It’s that time again! “Phish: Live Bait Vol. 02”, a new nine-track Phish sampler, is available for download now at LivePhish.com for free.
We’re giving away “Phish: Live Bait Vol. 02” in time for the kick off of the Fall Tour, which begins tomorrow in Austin, TX. Share it with your friends, pass the link around, trade the MP3s freely. The tracks were cherry-picked from the band’s second leg of their Summer Tour, and are fully mixed soundboards from LivePhish.com.
Click here to stream “Phish: Live Bait Vol. 02” now or download MP3s – absolutely free.
Phish: Live Bait Vol. 02
1. Wilson >
2. Light >
3. Twenty Years Later
4. Down With Disease >
5. What’s the Use
6. Possum
7. NO2 >
8. Kung
9. Bug