We would like to welcome old friend and collaborator, Jon Altschiller, our new LivePhish.com remote mix engineer as of the start of Summer Tour.
Jon got his start as a taper, recording many Phish shows as well as other bands. He eventually took his hobby to the next level, turning pro and working with Phish as an assistant engineer on “A Picture Of Nectar” and “Rift” before founding his own Chiller Sound studio.
In order to create his mix each night, Jon records between 64 and 72 independent channels of audio in a room onsite and mixes them down to the stereo recording you hear nightly at LivePhish.com. These new mixes really sing, and each reveals Jon’s excitement and dedication. For some recent examples of Jon’s work with LivePhish, check out the three audio tracks we just posted to the MusicPlayer.
You can pre-order CDs of each night of Phish Summer Tour, as well as MP3, FLAC, and FLAC-HD downloads right now at LivePhish.com. Order specially priced CD+MP3 bundles to download the show immediately after each performance and get the CDs in the mail shortly after.
We’re also pleased to announce the new Live Phish App, available now at iTunes. Stream everything you’ve ever purchased from LivePhish.com. Access your entire Live Phish Stash of shows and albums, enjoy free streams From The Archives, read and post reviews of each show, and browse photos and notes. You can also tune in to Live Phish Radio via the app and enjoy a 24×7 stream from the Live Phish Archives.
For a limited time, every first time user of the Live Phish App will get a download code redeemable at LivePhish.com for ONE FREE MP3 SHOW of your choice. To purchase the App, click here.