The Benevento/Russo Duo featuring Mike Gordon will perform four shows in the northeast at the end of December, including a special late-night show on New Year’s Eve in New York City. Tickets will go on sale for these shows beginning this Friday, October 29. Full tourdate information is available at https://phish.com/tourdates .
The Duo, with Marco Benevento on organ and Joe Russo on drums, first played with Mike at a Headcount benefit in June, and they teamed up again to play at the 2004 moe.down in upstate New York last month. Expect to hear both Duo and Mike material at these special December shows. For more information on The Duo, please check out http://organanddrums.com
The tourdates are as follows:
December 28 / Theater of Living Arts / Philadelphia, PA
December 29 / The Paradise / Boston, MA
December 30 / Higher Ground / Burlington, VT
December 31 / BB King’s / New York, NY (late-night show)