Set List
Sound Check
Set I
Take The 'A' Train >
Phase Dance
Skin It Back
Set II
Whipping Post
Big Black Furry Creature From Mars
Show Notes
This show was a pledge party in the basement of the ATO House. This setlist was adopted from fan sources as there are no tapes in the archives. This show featured the 1st known performances of Phase Dance (Pat Metheny cover) and I Didn’t Know (Richard “Nancy” Wright cover). The soundcheck and what is listed here as set III were adpoted from the circulating source at The online account by provides good context about this early gig. To summarize, ATO at the time was a Deadhead-centric, music friendly fraternity and Scott was in attendance. He recounted that the band provided a soundboard patch to a fraternity member and that some people had to leave the room for sanity’s sake during Whipping Post. As was often true, Trey’s dog Marley attended this show. Peaches en Regalia was played by request. After Possum, somebody said “Congratulations to New pledges. I hope everyone is feeling most Irie.” Trey added “someone requested a Pat Metheny song, so we’re going to do a Pat Metheny Song” to which an audience member yelled “Play Phase Dance.” After Phase Dance, Trey introduced Good Times, Bad Times by saying “now we’d like to play one by another of our favorite bands.” Some circulating copies of this show are incomplete and out of order and some are dated 9/27/87 and/or mislabeled “Pledge Party, Burlington, VT”.